A ninety-minute online Celebration of Winter Solstice with Guided Practice and Ceremony
Thursday, December 21st
6 pm to 7.30 pm US EST * 3 pm to 4.30 pm US PST
The recording will be available for registrants unable to attend live online
Join Michael Lee, developer of the Phoenix Rising Method. Michael has trained thousands of practitioners and teachers and has taught at major international events for over 40 years.
Combine the wisdom and teachings of ancient yogis and contemplatives with modern evidence-based psychology and neuroscience. In this power-packed event, you will:
- Engage your body as you attune to your inner felt sense (wisdom).
- Discern what no longer serves you and release it to the fire
- Open to what awaits you in the future
- Embrace your happiness, joy, and wholeheartedness as you attune to the rhythm of life
- Contemplate, reflect, and share in a co-created community in celebration of rebirth and renewal within
This experiential workshop will engage a body-mind approach and include movement, breathing, mindful yoga, meditation, and a fire ceremony. (Directions will be provided ahead of time). You will also engage in inner dialogue, contemplation, reflective listening, and integration.