We now know what conditions need to be in place in our lives in order to flourish
Stress is often named the leading source of suffering in our world today. But stress is not the problem. It is the symptom of a greater problem. Many of us seem to be experiencing symptoms of disconnection and fragmentation and it's not good for us. Combining the wisdom and teachings of ancient yogis and contemplatives with modern evidence-based psychology and neuroscience, we can turn this condition around - for ourselves and others
All of these elements are accessible and available to you now. Grab this gift!
YOUR FREE MINI-COURSE ON HOW TO FLOURISH IN LIFE including the FOUR THINGS you need to have in place.
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* A video presentation on "What is Human Flourishing and Why it Matters?"
* An article describing the research that discovered the most significant things that make people happy (based on the longest ever study on Human Development.)
* A self-assessment to discover if you are flourishing in life and what areas could use improvement.
* The four most important things for you to put in place to create your own Flourishing Life
* An exclusive invitation to join a mastermind group with coaching to support you and hold you accountable to flourishing in your personal and professional life in the coming year.
* An offer of mentorship to support you moving forward to create the life you want.

For all of us, flourishing in life matters!
Stepping up to the best version of you, is possible. Manifesting your dharma in the world is why you are here. Living an authentic, fulfilling, and joyous life is your birthright.
By engaging the principles and practices drawn from ancient wisdom and modern science that I have learned, I'm here to help you create that life. That's my dharma.
I've put together this mini-series out of a deep desire to help you and others discover what's possible and jump on board for a flourishing life.
Please enjoy this free gift.
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