For many of us the disruption of moving house is not something we enjoy despite the advantages that often go with it too. It's unsettling. It can be scary. And a whole lot more. But an old friend seems to have an approach that I greatly admire and when I read Grace's Facebook post about moving again, I was touched. So I reached out and asked her if I could share it here. It fits my theme of Flourishing in Life. Here it is.
Moving Again and Making It Home
In case anyone is counting, MOVE # 500 Milliondy is underway. Yesterday I counted at least seven full or partial cross-country moves, five cross-border moves, two provinces, six state addresses, and four island homes, not counting my ancestral home, Isle of Skye, too many to count, local addresses ( some of you have records of this in your old fashion address books) and now my third cross-town move in a year and a half.
I actually grew up learning to pack my toys and had moved seven times before leaving home for university. As I shared in a recent post, I have a very deep longing for home, family, community and belonging. Alas, I chose a soul assignment to walk through this life as an independent and sovereign SELF. If you want to learn that particular lesson, moving and learning to find HOME anywhere and everywhere on the planet is a very powerful catalyst. And... I am a master at Marie Condo-ing my way through what goes in boxes and what goes the way of detachment. No sparks of joy? No box for you baby!!!! I should be in the home decluttering biz!!!
For the first time in my adult life, I have for real MOVERS helping me, partly due to a recent knee injury and partly because I am allowing life to be easier and this move has had a mantra all along the way. "Let It Be Easy" So off I go up the coast by a mere five miles to a beautiful, water-view, lovely, peaceful neighborhood.
I will do my Welcome Home Ritual before any of the "stuff" arrives. An eagle feather and five elements blessing (fire, water, air, earth and beauty) to give thanks for a safe, harmonious, light and love-filled home and then will take some time to sit and fill the new empty spaces with mine and God's presence. This one simple gesture makes a new house my home and allows me to feel welcomed by my own presence each time I enter. It transforms me every time from a lonely wanderer and perpetual new kid on the block into a citizen of my beloved Mother Earth, the Multiverse and I am reminded that I dwell in God's Grace always and I am already HOME.
In case you still use snail mail and have room in your address book for one more, you can let me know and I will send you the address. Thank goodness for the Interweb, Facetime and good old phone calls. My friends, family, clients, and community are far and wide and I am so glad that I have these ways to stay connected. Thank you for keeping track of me along the way.
~ Grace MacLeod
Note from Michael
I first met Grace in 1984 in my ashram days. Like many of us from those days, we've found unique ways to flourish as Grace has.
Here's more info about Grace and what she does, in case you want to reach out.
About Grace MacLeod
I have been blessed beyond imagining with a lifetime of learning the art of conscious living, relationship, and leadership. Throughout my journey, I have also experienced the mysterious touch of grace over and over; that invisible hand that heals, uplifts, and bestows gifts that evoke profound awe and wonder.
It is my passion and purpose to share the wealth that has filled my life with YOU and to support you in also living in happiness, harmony and deep fulfillment.
Please see my full bio and a description of my Core Practices and Spiritual Coaching and Mentoring Services here:
I am also a Wedding Officiant and Couples Counselor and available for blessing ceremonies for all life milestones from birth to death, as well as home and business and special event blessings. https://www.officiantgrace.
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