Learn the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Method

Michael's Blog

Embrace Simplicity: Two Practices to Transform Your Day and Life awareness breath michaelleeyoga nextrightthing phoenix rising pryt transformation Jul 23, 2024

In the fast-paced rhythm of our daily lives, finding moments of calm and clarity can seem challenging. However, engaging in two simple practices when needed can make a profound difference: taking one deep breath and doing the next right thing.

Just Take One Breath

It’s so simple yet so...

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Embody Magic and Play - Celebrating the Coming of Summer beltane celebratemay embracethemagic mayday michaelleeyoga playfultransformation pryt seasonalattunement yogaandmeditation Apr 23, 2024

As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of summer, we're beckoned into a realm of celebration and renewal. In the Northern Hemisphere, the month of May marks the spirited festival of Beltane on the Celtic calendar, a time synonymous with vitality and growth.


Feel the pulse of nature quicken...

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The Phoenix and The Fire fire ceremony phoenix rising pryt solstice transformation Dec 12, 2023

In 1986 as I began work as a yoga therapist, I wanted to find a name for the approach I’d developed.  It was all about helping people become the best version of themselves by using their body as the vehicle for awareness and deeper connection as a catalyst for change

I was telling a...

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Embodied Gratitude buddhism embodied gratitude gratitude michaelleeyoga mindbody practices mindfulness pryt Nov 06, 2022

I love November.  It's my birthday month, and Thanksgiving - my favorite holiday. I grew up in Australia, where Thanksgiving was not celebrated, and I remember my first Thanksgiving in the USA with my wife's family. It was such a heartwarming celebration of gratitude that I was in awe of the...

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Celebrating Darkness - Embracing Halloween's Spiritual Significance celtictraditions death halloween michaelleeyoga pryt seasons yogatherapy Oct 29, 2022

Halloween is when one-third of the annual candy sales in the US happen. It was once a Celtic celebration of the end of summer known as Samhain (pronounced Sow-In). The Celts celebrated the end of summer, received a brief visit from dead souls, and prepared for winter's approaching...

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Stress is not the Problem connection michaelleeyoga pryt stress tranquilty Oct 06, 2022

As the author of a book, “Turn Stress Into Bliss,” that has sold well, why would I want to say “stress is not the problem”? Simple.   I now believe stress manifests an even bigger problem in our society. And that problem is disconnection and fragmentation,...

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The Fall Equinox and Turning Inward - Five Ways to Help the Transition change contemplation equinox fall mediation michael lee yoga michaelleeyoga pryt transitions Sep 11, 2022


Spring is about expansion and leaping into action, while Fall is a time of turning inward. One is an outward expression of energy and the other an inward one. .  This means slowing down, being more with our inner self, and having more time to contemplate. This is an essential and...

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